Kapow Giant Multiplayer Inflatable Game from Party Rentals Orlando and Xtreme Entertainment allows participants to race against each other through a circular obstacle course with a mechanical twist. Kapow's unique elements are the two sets of rotating boom arms.
One arm spins in a clockwise direction designed to come into contact with the player at the knee/thigh level, while the second arm spins counter clockwise and is higher so it would hit a player around the chest area.
How it's played: Two players set off through separate entrances and race through set lanes dodging inflatable obstacles and the counter rotating booms. These lanes are based on concentric circles so participants will have to turn back on themselves three times before the final sprint to the finish line. As they get closer to the finish, the boom arms sweep lower and lower increasing the difficulty.
Up to 4 players can participate at a time making this game one of the highest throughput games on the market today. Due to the high turnaround long lines are nearly non-existent.
MAX # OF PARTICIPANTS at one time is 4
Approx. 60-70 participants per hr.
Dimensions: 30' diameter circle x 10' tall with a 4' x 6' area off to the side for the operator
Power Requirement: (2) Standard 120v / 15amp Electrical outlets
Includes Operator
Quotes based on up to 4 hours of event time. Additional time at an hourly rate is available by request.
Phone: 407-284-1635